Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dolphin, dolphin, dolphin, dolphin...eel...Love Your Kingdom!

Canberra: Final Day

We woke up on our last full day in Canberra and spent the morning watching TV, doing some last minute laundry, and just relaxing. Then, Andrew's sister Kate called and invited us all to go with her to Gibraltar Falls, a swim hole just outside of Canberra. So we all threw on our suits and headed out. When we reached the falls, we maneuvered our way down the rocks to the pool that forms at the edge of the creek before the water rushes over the falls. It was hard to get a feel for how high the falls were from this angle, but we spend the time sunning ourselves while the boys got all the way in the cold mountain water.
(You can see where we're starting to set up on the edge at the right)

(Sunning on the rocks)
(You can see where the falls start behind Andrew)

After we'd cooked in the sun, we decided to walk down to the viewing platform to get a sense of what the falls really looked like. It turned out that the water from our pool went over the edge and formed a 50 m beautiful waterfall. Good thing the current wasn't strong enough to take us over the edge!
(The rocks on the left of the falls were where we were sitting...and the water going over the falls is coming from the pool that we were swimming in)
(50 m down!)
We then headed home and some of us took naps while others watched TV and just relaxed. Then we all got ready and headed out to enjoy MovieExtra Tropfest, a short film festival started in Syndey 19 years ago by director John Polson and which is now streamed live to all of the 5 states and two territories in Australia, as well as there are spinoffs such as Tropfest New York and Tropfest Arabia. We picked up pizza on the way and then met up with Andrew's parents at the festival, spread out our blankets, and sat back to enjoy a night under the stars.
(Watching films as the moon was rising over the amphitheater)
There are 16 films in all that are shown and if you want to see any of them yourselves, go to and all of the Finalists are listed on the right hand side. If nothing else, watch Animal Beatbox, the film that was great! One thing to know...there is a theme each year that is required to be worked in to each film. For example, this year's theme was "keys"...this meant that keys had to be shown or referenced in some way in each film. It was great to see how each film incorporated this into their movie as well.

All in all, it was a great night and a wonderful way to spend our last night in Canberra. We've had a great time with Sarah and Andrew and we're going to be sad to leave them!

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