Friday, February 18, 2011

From Sydney to Canberra...

Sydney: Last Day, then off to Canberra

We woke up the morning of our last day in Sydney and started by repacking our bags so that they would actually close before we had to lug them on the train. We gathered our things and lugged everything back down the three flights of stairs and left our luggage in the lobby before heading out for the morning. We grabbed some food and were off.

We decided that since we only had a little bit of time (and the weather was supposed to be overcast and rainy), we would spend the day at The Australian Museum. It is a national museum that revolves around all things Australia-related. We were able to look at skeletons of Australia creatures and dinosaurs that were found in Australia, we looked at precious stones found throughout Australia, and we learned about spiders and snakes and other animals. It was actually a really neat place!

After we finished at the museum and grabbed some lunch there, we headed back to the hostel to catch up on some blogging and downloading TV shows to watch on the train. Finally, we gathered our things and were off to the train station. Luckily, this train ride was uneventful and we made it to Canberra without a hitch. Sarah and Andrew met us at the platform and we went back to their house and crashed.

Canberra: Day 1-Rest and Relaxation

By the time we woke up on our first day in Canberra, Sarah and Andrew had left for work. We used the day to catch up on reading (homework!) and laundry. We also spent the day playing with their dog Coopa!
(Sarah and Andrew's house)
That evening, we all (Coopa included) walked over to Andrew's parents' house and had a wonderful dinner with Andrew's friends and family. It was wonderful! What a great way to start the Canberra part of our vacation!

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