Saturday, February 12, 2011

There are too many stairs in this trip...

Auckland to Sydney

Unfortunately, yesterday was nothing overly exciting for us. We woke up early and drove our car back to the rental return place and then caught the express bus to downtown Auckland.
(We named her Kiwi!)
We wandered through Auckland, first in search of food, and found a great little cafe where we could sit at a table on the street and people-watch while we ate. Then it was off in search of souvenirs and postcards. We also found a post office so we could buy some stamps to send said-postcards...

Before we knew it, it was almost 1 pm and we headed back to the hostel to pick up our bags and change for our flight. We caught the express bus back to the airport, made our way through customs quickly and found ourselves at our gate in no time. The three-hour flight back to Sydney went smoothly as did our return through customs (aside from them taking my popcorn away from me when they searched my bag). We picked up the large bags we had stored at the airport before we'd left and we waited for the shuttle to our hostel.

We reached our Sydney hostel around 9pm, carted our bags up three flights of stairs, and then were off in search of food. Our hostel is located in King's Cross which is a popular area for bars and clubs, not to mention it is Sydney's old Red Light district, which makes the variety of shops and stores and "bars" around us quite eclectic. We found a great little Thai food place off a side street, had some food and then were back to crash for the night.

Tomorrow it's off to see what Sydney has in store for us!

Jess and Erin

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