Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Planes, Trains, and soon...Automobiles!!!

Sydney/Auckland: A Day of Travel

Jessica has left today's edition in my capable hands while she takes her turn driving to our hostel for tonight... but I’m getting ahead of myself already. Here we go.

We woke up on a train to Sydney. The train ride was smooth but, between the less then ideal seats for sleeping and the sounds, smells, and rustlings in the night of our fellow passengers, it did not provide for the best night’s sleep. Our first glimpses of Sydney were of Central Station where we cleaned up as best we could and changed clothes. It was so nice to brush my teeth and have clean clothes on! After a very helpful conversation with one of the transportation ticket sellers, we rode another train to Sydney airport to check our bags for the day (and some until we come back from Auckland) so we could go explore the city.

Our first stop was to Circular Quay for lunch and a two hours of computer time (more home work for me and blogging for me!) to take advantage of a free, fast, reliable internet connection. When we were finished, we packed up and set out to explore. Our first stop was Sydney Harbour. As we walked into the Harbour area, we were greeted by the sounds of a street muscian playing hip-hop with a sound machine and a digeridoo. Only in Australia! A few more steps and there they were, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House!

We wandered around the Harbour Bridge and Opera House, taking in all the neighborhoods and people all around. We walked through a part of town called The Rocks, it’s one of the oldest parts of Sydney, where the original settlers first arrived. We found some of the neatest old houses in that area, beautiful and full of character.

Before we knew it, it was time to make our way back to the train to catch our flight to Auckland. We walked through the Botanical Gardens and by quite a few museums on our way, and have vowed to go back when we’re back in the city next week.

The flight was uneventful (thank goodness!) and after navigating through customs we were ready to bed.

Good night New Zealand!

Erin and Jess

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